P4 - The Higher Technical School of Professional Education Nis was founded in 1976. In its development the school has gone through several reforms. Under these reforms, the school modernized the study programs, standards have been introduced, and the school has grown into a modern institution of higher education. The last reform was successfully implemented in 2007, during which the school accredited six study programs at elementary level and one year later five programs for advanced studies. The school has 6 laboratories in which students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to gain competence in accordance with the labor market requirements. The school has about 1000 students 7 professors, 20 lecturers and 11 assistants and 13 members of non teaching staff. Due to the need for higher level implementation of standards, the school has established a council to monitor and continual improve quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process.
The role of the organisation in the project
VTS Nis is a modern vocational college. VTS Nis will coordinate all translation and publishing activities. VTS Nis will assist KAHO Sint-Lieven in project coordination. VTS Nis will actively contribute to the unification of the ACAS in Southern Serbia and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. VTS Nis will also be in charge of all activities related to dissemination and exploitation of project results. Will indicate a staff member in ICT for the newly created central services of the ACAS .Will also actively involve all stakeholders in the educational reform. Will pay a lot of attention to active involvement of students in all activities. Will take care of translation of all project documents from English to Serbian.
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P6 - The School of Higher Applied Professional Education in Vranje, including a few transformations, originated school for education of workers in Vranje, which started working in 1974 to provide educated staff required for the developed economy of Vranje town and the region. Afterwards retraining for workers was transformed inthe Higher technical technological school with new departments, in order to comply with the demand for professional staff in the economy ofthe region.
In 2007 the School received acreditation for 5 departments: mechanical engineering, applied informatics, wood technology, food technology and production economy, in the first cycle of acreditation in accordance with Law on higher education and Bologna declaration.
In 2010 the School received acreditation for the sixth department: transport engineering - road transport.
The role of the organisation in the project
VSPSS Vranje is a vocational colleges with strong links with the workfield. This is very important in view of elaborating the professional profiles of students ofthe ACAS. Will actively contribute to the unification ofthe ACAS in Southern Serbia and will be an active partner in the newly created Conferenceand the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member in ICT for the newly created central services ofthe ACAS .Will also actively involve all stakeholders in the educational reform. Will pay a lot of attention to active involvement of students and establish long term partnerships with the professional world and the future employers ofthe graduated students.
P7 - The College of Agriculture and Food Technology Prokuplje was founded in 1977. In its development the College has gone through several reforms - it modernized its study programs and introduced new standards. In that way, the College has grown into a modem institution of higher education. The last reform was successfully implemented in 2007, during which the College accredited five study programs at elementary level and, one year later, three programs at advanced level. The College has three laboratories in which students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to gain competence in accordance with the labor market requirements. The College has about 700 students, 19 professors, 17 lecturers, 1 specialist, 1 foreign language teacher, 7 assistants and 23 members of non-teaching staff.
The role of the organisation in the project
As a modern vocational college VPPS Prokuplje understands that is necessary to join forces in Southern Serbia to further develop vocational training via the creation of the planned ACAS. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member in Quality Assurance for the newly created central services of the ACAS .Will also actively involve all stakeholders in the educational reform. Will pay a lot of attention to active involvement of students. VPPS Prokuplje is convinced that a modern quality assurance policy can actively contribute to the further implementation of the Bologna process.
P8 - Vocational School for textiles in Leskovac is a school with many years of experience in training staff in the field of textiles. School started 50 years ago as the first higher education institution in Southern Serbia. Successfully passed accreditation and has been licensed for its competent services. So far, the School trained a large number of successful businessmen, and university professors who show high professionalism and expertise in their work.
The school has modern equipment for design and production preparation. It also has a fully equipped lab for hand weaving carpets, tapestries, scarves and other various garments. In the study of Fashion Design and Unique handcrafts items, students are professionally trained to create modern jewelry made of ceramics, and various souvenirs and other decorative items. Quality assurance is very important within the framework of the educational programmes.
The role of the organisation in the project
As a college specialized in textiles and in study programmes that require very special skills and competences from the students, VSST Leskovac is convinced about the added value of a very well quality assurance policy. Working on a bigger scale within the framework of the unified ACAS is a big challenge for the further development of the college. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member in Quality Assurance for the newly created central services of the ACAS. Will also actively involve all stakeholders in the educational reform. Will pay a lot of attention to give more responsibilities to students as internal stakeholder.
P9 - High Medical School of Professional Studies in Cuprija was established in 1998. Since its establishment, the school has grown into a modern institution of higher education. Five study programs and one specialization have been accredited.
The school has six modern equipted laboratories where students gain knowledge and develop skills through evidence based learning teaching methods and the further development of competencies in the health sector. The school has a modern library, a gym for physical activities for students, beauty and hair salon for students and for providing services to other users. The school has 934 students, 11 professors, 15 lecturers, 10 assistants and 36 administrative staff members.
In order to achieve the standards of higher education and to improve the quality of theoretical and practical training school has a commission to monitor and improve the quality of education, in line with the Bologna process.
The role of the organisation in the project
VMS Cuprija is a college specialized in health care. Students are already fully involved in the management of the college. College is convinced that the development of a strong centralized student service for the whole ACAS in Southern Serbia will offer new development chances for all partners. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member for the development of the student services of the newly created central services of the ACAS .Will also put emphasis on setting up well targeted information sessions for all stakeholders. Will closely cooperate with the Health Center in Cuprija, future employer of a lot of graduated students.
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P10 - The High Education Institution for Professional Education of Preschool Teachers in Krusevac began as a Teacher's Secondary School as far back as 1950. Became soon a Pedagogic Academy and a few decades later a two year Preschool TeacherTraining Higher School. As the number of students continuously grew, the school went through a number of transformations, always in linewith recent developments in science and teaching methodology. In 2007 the school received accreditation for one undergraduate study program and one postgraduate program at the specialist level. The school has 700 students, 5 professors, 15 lecturers and 2 assistants as well as 10 non-teaching staff. It is fully equipped in line with the approved standards.
The role of the organisation in the project
VASPKS Krusevac is a college in preschool teacher training. That's also why they give a lot of importance to staff and students as responsible stakeholders. College is convinced that the development of a strong centralized student service for the whole ACAS in Southern Serbia will offer new development chances for all partners. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member for the development of the student services of the newly created central services of the ACAS. College understands that targeted dissemination activities are crucial to maintain the results of the project after the end of the project.
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P11 - The School of Higher Professional Education for Preschool Teachers in Pirot originates from its predecessor, Pedagogic Academy, which was established in 1973. The Academy continued to exist under that name until July 7,1993. In the same year, on account of implementation of the Government's decision, it changed its name to Teacher Training College. On the basis of the permit number 612-00-1122/2006-04 dated April 30,2007, the school acquired the status of a Higher Professional Education Institution. In 2007 the school has become accredited for one undergraduate study programme. Currently, the school is in the process of accreditation for one postgraduate programme at the specialist level. As the number of students continuously grew, the school went through a number of reforms, always seeking to be in line with recent developments in science and teaching methodology. The school has 700 students, 5 professors, 7 lecturers, 6 assistants and 12 non-teaching staff members.
The role of the organisation in the project
VSSS Pirot is a also a college preparing students for preschool teaching. College is convinced about the added value of international cooperation in the further realization of the Bologna targets. Will actively contribute to all activities that are necessary for a successful implementation of the ACAS in Southern Serbia. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member for the development of international relations office of the newly created central services of the ACAS. Special attention will be paid to developing long term cooperation agreements with other EU colleges in teacher training. |
P12 - The School of Higher Chemical Technology Education in Krusevac was founded in 1961. In its development school has gone through several reforms. Under these reforms, the school modernized the study programs, standards have been introduced, and the school has grown into a modern institution of higher education. The last reform was successfully implemented in 2007, during which school was accredited four study programs at elementary level. The school has 11 laboratories in which students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to gain competences in accordance with the labor market requirements. The school has about 500 students, 8 professors, 11 lecturers and 5 assistants as 13 members of non teaching staff. Due to the need for higher level implementation of standards, the school has established a council to monitor and continual improve quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process.
The role of the organisation in the project
VHTS Krusevac is a college specialized in study programmes related to chemical technology. A lot of attention is given to quality assurance and the development of international cooperation in line with the Bologna declaration. Will actively contribute to all activities that are necessary for a successful implementation of the ACAS in Southern Serbia. Will actively contribute to all planned outcomes and will be an active partner in the newly created Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will indicate a staff member for the development of international relations office of the newly created central services of the ACAS.
Longterm cooperation agreements with the workfield and great involvement of all stakeholders in the decision making process are the key challenges to realize within the framework of this project.
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P13 - VTS SUBOTICA is a public technical college operating in Northern Serbia. It has more than 50 years of experience in engineering education. The college covers three academic disciplines, which are mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and informatics. The mission of the college is to contribute to the development of human, technical and economic potential of the Vojvodina region. It aspires to become an open, innovative and socially responsible educational institution, which will obtain national and international reputation as a leader in education, development and application of technical sciences.
VTS SUBOTICA is actively engaged in the development of the vocational higher education sector in Serbia. It is currently in the process of establishing vocational master and doctoral programmes on a national level, in order to safeguard the essential student mobility as stipulated by the Bologna agreement.
The role of the organisation in the project
VTS Subotica is a technical college that it is convinced that all colleges in Serbia should join forces to defend their own interests in a common newly established umbrella organization called Conference. Will therefore actively cooperate with the 8 colleges of the ACAS in Southern Serbia and with VZS Belgrade and BTC Uzice. VTS Subotica will play an active role in defining the mission and vision of the Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will also actively contribute to encourage other colleges to join the Conference. Intends to play an important role in the further development of vocational higher education in Serbia. |
P14 - The Railway College of Vocational Studies (VZS) in Belgrade was founded in 1958. Since then the School has gone through several reforms and the last reform was successfully implemented in 2007, during which the School got accreditation for five study programs at elementary level and one year later for five programs on advanced studies. According to the Bologna transformation the School has modernized the study programs, standards have been introduced, and the School has grown into a modem institution of higher education. The school has 2400 m2 of space, with an amphitheater for 150 students, many classrooms, 4 laboratories in which students have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to gain competence in accordance with the labor market requirements. The School is firmly connected with the technical and technological base of Serbian Railway, as well as with other large traffic organizations.
The School has about 1000 students.
The role of the organisation in the project
VZS Belgrade is a technical college devoted to transport. Also VTS Belgrade is convinced that all colleges in Serbia should join forces to defend their own interests via the newly established umbrella organization called Conference. Will therefore actively cooperate with the 8 colleges of the ACAS in Southern Serbia and with VTS Subotica and BTC Uzice. VZS Belgrade will play an active role in defining the mission and vision of the Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will also actively contribute to encourage other colleges to join the Conference. Involving staff and students in all key management decisions is crucial for VZS Belgrade.
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P15 - The Higher Business-Technical School in Uzice, in the south-west of Serbia, wasfounded by the Government in 1975. It is now a modem multi-disciplinary School of vocational studies, offering 6 accredited Bachelor (applied) programmes in management, production engineering IT, construction engineering, environmental protection and tourism. The School employs 40 lecturing staff, i.e. 18 professors, 15 lecturers and 7 assistants, employed on full-time basis, complemented by about 10 professors and lecturers and a large number of assistants on part-time basis, many of whom are employed in industry. Overall, the School intake is around 500 undergraduate students per annum. The School is especially devoted to part-time students who are already in employed. The School has a great experience in combining production engineering, construction engineering and management. Majority of the staff in School have spent part of their career in industry and hence are familiar with practical issues.
The role of the organisation in the project
BTC Uzice is a technical college with emphasis on business management. Also BTC Uzice is convinced that all colleges in Serbia should join forces to defend their own interests via the newly established umbrella organization called Conference. Will therefore actively cooperate with the 8 colleges of the ACAS in Southern Serbia and with VTS Subotica and VZS Belgrade. BTC Uzice will play an active role in defining the mission and vision of the Conference and the reorganisation of the Student Conference. Will also actively contribute to encourage other colleges to join the Conference. Due to its management expertise BTC Uzice will play an important role in defining the long term strategic and financial sustainability plan of the Conference.
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P16 - The RCE Nis also provides support and services to its members and potential members regarding business information, economic policy, finance, insurance, foreign economic relations, fair and exhibitions, market opportunity, quality management, R&D, training and education, innovation, IT, etc. The activities are conducted in the region of Nis, which encompasses three districts (Nis, Toplica, Pirot) with 19 municipalities. The seat is situated in Nis, and the branch offices of the RCE Nis are located in Prokuplje and Pirot. The RCE Nis is also very active in preparing and implementing EU- funded projects for economic development with the purpose of increasing the growth and competitiveness of its member companies and the creation of new businesses. Is actively willing to cooperate with professional higher education colleges.
The role of the organisation in the project
Bologna encourages all institutes of higher education to establish long term partnerships with the workfield. Therefore it is crucial for this project to have the Regional Chamber of Economy Nis as an active project partner. They will participate actively in all activities of the newly created ACAS in Southern Serbia and the newly created Conference from the perspective of a representative of the workfield. It is self evident that these newly created institutions are in close contact with their external stakeholders. This will certainly improve chances for greater sustainability of project results.
Especially for the further development of the ACAS in Southern Serbia the participation of the Regional Chamber of Econmy in Nis is vital.
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P17 - The Health Center Cupria is medical institution with a long tradition in the town Cuprija and region. Center is organized into seven departments with a professional and well educated staff. HC Cuprija covers a wide area of Pomorava districit with several mobile teams, modern laboratory, EG, modern dentist service, several pharmacies etc. The Health center Cuprija has a well developed cooperation with Clinic Centers Kragujevac, Nis, and Belgrade. Also HC Cuprija pays a lot of attention on the cooperation with HE institutions and has very close contacts with these colleges as external stakeholder of the educational process.
The role of the organisation in the project
Within the framework of Bologna it is self evident that the educational world is no longer an island on itself. Colleges have clearly understand that also external stakeholders including the workfield have to be clearly involved in the decision making process as future employer of graduated students. Professional profiles should take into account also the skills and competences expected by the labour market. Therefore it is very important to have the Health Center in Cuprija as project partner. They will participate actively in all activities of the newly created ACAS in Southern Serbia and the newly created Conference from the perspective of a representative of the labour market. This will certainly create an added value for the project. |
- research, planning and development;
- administrative supervision;
- participation in the development, equipment and maintaining of facilities;
- professional teaching supervision;
- organization, evaluation and supervision of advanced professional training for educators;
- additional education of the children of citizens living abroad;
- supervision of professional activities in higher education;
- notification and equivalence of public certificates obtained abroad, and
- mproving social care for talented and special-needs pupils and students.
The Ministry of Education takes part in shaping government policy in education, monitors state affairs, implements the law and other regulations, carries out supervision, oversees public services, and addresses developmental and professional matters.
The role of the organisation in the project
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia will actively participate in this project because it is convinced about the added value of the intensive cooperation between vocational colleges in Serbian higher education. It fully realizes that the creation of a Academy of Colleges of Applied Sciences in Southern Serbia means a new step towards the implementation of Bologna in Serbia. Will also actively participate in defining the statutes, the operational plan and the joining criteria of the newly created umbrella organization for vocational colleges, the Conference. Taking into account that both ACAS and Conference are public organizations, it is essential that the Ministry will be actively consulted in defining the financial strategic plan in view of sustainability of project results. Will also play an important role in convincing other colleges to join the Conference and in reforming the Conference of Students. |